Collection: Feminized Cannabis Seeds
Buy Organic Feminized Cannabis Seeds online at Light Seeker Seeds. All of our craft Feminized marijuana seeds are created by hunting favorite cultivars for stability and then forcing them to reverse sex by suppressing ethylene production using STS or colloidal silver to create feminized pollen to then create seeds that only contain X chromosomes. Not all breeders create feminized marijuana seeds equally but when done correctly they should be 99% female, the 1% mainly just leaving room for possible genetic mutations or hidden unstable grandparents since thats always possible in evolution but it is very unlikely you will find any males or herms in these lines.
All Light Seeker Seeds parent cultivars are hunted for stability before crossing and the offspring is tested before release. find out more about my methods here.
Feminized Cannabis seeds are best for those with limited space or who just want to avoid males in the garden completely to create pure sinsemilla with every bean.